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- Introduction to BFSI and Data Driven Banking
- Introduction to Analytics and Data Science
- Major Areas of Analytics Utilization
- Understanding Infrastructures behind BFSI for Analytics
Data Governance and AI/ML Model Governance in BFSI
- Domains of BFSI and team planning
- Customer Demographic Analysis and Customer Segmentation
- Text Mining and Social Media Analytics
- Lead Generation Through Analytical Reasoning and Machine Learning
- Cross Sell and Up Sell of Products through Machine Learning
- Pricing Optimization
- Data Envelopment Analysis
- ATM Cash Forecasting
- Unstructured Data Analytics
- Fraud Modelling
- Detection of Money Laundering and Analysis
- Credit Risk and Stressed Assets
- High Performance Architectures: On-Premises and Cloud
- Growing Trends in the Data-Driven Future of BFSI