1. Introduction to BFSI and Data Driven Banking 
  2. Introduction to Analytics and Data Science 
  3. Major Areas of Analytics Utilization
  4. Understanding Infrastructures behind BFSI for Analytics
  5. Data Governance and AI/ML Model Governance in BFSI 
  6. Domains of BFSI and team planning 
  7. Customer Demographic Analysis and Customer Segmentation 
  8. Text Mining and Social Media Analytics 
  9. Lead Generation Through Analytical Reasoning and Machine Learning
  10. Cross Sell and Up Sell of Products through Machine Learning
  11. Pricing Optimization
  12. Data Envelopment Analysis 
  13. ATM Cash Forecasting
  14. Unstructured Data Analytics 
  15. Fraud Modelling 
  16. Detection of Money Laundering and Analysis 
  17. Credit Risk and Stressed Assets 
  18. High Performance Architectures: On-Premises and Cloud 
  19. Growing Trends in the Data-Driven Future of BFSI